

The Urlbox sandbox is a place for you to play around with the various options available in the API before coding your integration.

The sandbox lets you construct render requests for all of our output formats and see the results.

It's a great way to experiment with the various options available in the API before coding your integration.

How to use the sandbox

Go to the sandbox from within your dashboard, choose the input you want to use (URL or HTML), and select the output format you want to render.

You can then configure the various options available for that output format and when you're ready you can click Render to see the result.

The sandbox also shows you the generated render link that you can use to make the same request from your own code, and also the various options in JSON format which you can copy/paste.

Since the sandbox is connected to your account, requests made in the sandbox will count towards your monthly quota.

Loading options from a render

When you have a request that has a lot of different options embedded in it, and you want to test it in the sandbox, it can be quite a pain to manually go in and configure all of the options.

There is a way to paste in a long render link into the sandbox and have it automatically load up all of the options for you.

Press the Load from url... button and paste in the render link you want to load the options from (you can also just paste in the query string portion). Check that the options look correct in the preview area, and then click Load to load those options into the sandbox.

Loading options from JSON

The same can also be done if your options are already in JSON format.

Click the Load from url... button and paste in the JSON options you want to load. Check that the options are correct in the preview area, and then click Load to load those options into the sandbox.